
【Editor Pick小編推薦】 Top 10 best food you can eat @ Sky Avenue Genting 十大必吃美食

by - August 11, 2017

上到雲頂除了玩,就是要填飽肚子!所以呢,這裡有小小建議給大家,教大家怎樣從早吃到宵夜,哈哈!雲頂Sky Avenue是不是太多食市,做不了選擇呢!讓我這個吃貨來介紹你!
Hey, Guys! Today I gonna share you my recommendation of food outlet you can try at Sky Avenue! Let's me show you how to eat from morning breakfast until supper time!

Morning 早餐

Wan Hoi Yamcha 雲海 VS Canton-i Restaurant 香港粥面家

According to Chinese tradition, The Chinese like me enjoy eating dim sum and drink tea in the morning. Therefore, I will recommend you to eat at Wan Hoi Yamcha Restaurant which is a non-halal Chinese restaurant. Grab your place and enjoy your tea with family simply the best. I'm here to recommend you to try some special dim sum! 
Canton-i 香港粥面家
If you wish to have HongKong Style breakfast, I recommend you to eat at Canton-i. They have varies of roasted pork, porridge and noodle too. Don't forget to try their famous Hong Kong Milk Tea too. 
這一家是富有香港味的餐館,一大清早可以吃粥暖胃或是來一碗細蓉,也可以配上那香脆的燒臘.這時候也該來一杯香濃的絲襪奶茶。是不是很爽叻?!诶?好像差点什么的!哦!是香港著名的烧鹅啊!质感脆脆的, 值得一试!

Brunch 早午餐
Taibae 台宝贝 OR  Ah Yip Herbal Soup 阿業靚湯

If you wake up late, you can have your brunch at this 2 outlet, you can have your heavy brunch with authentic Taiwan dish or drink healthy soup. 

This cafe was selling authentic Taiwanese cuisine like Rice with Stewed Pork , Popcorn chicken and lots more. They are selling the famous Taiwanese dessert, Lemon Aiyu Jelly ! Recommend to try this when you visit their cafe.

Ah Yip Herbal Soup
Soups are the richest culinary heritagesin Chinese Cuisine.They are very nutritious and compared to solid food, its nutrients can be easily absorbed into our body. If you are a fan of soups, you must try their steamed soup! One of the recommended dishes is the potato chicken, the gravy of this dish has absorbed the essence of the chicken. 
喜歡喝湯你,怎能錯過阿業靚湯呢,其實每天都需要滋補,尤其是長期在城市工作的我們,沒有滋補湯水喝,和容易就會變老! 身體缺少水分,就會乾燥。所以需要喝點湯來補一補!燉湯都把精華都給煮出來,所以一定試一試哦~其中一道菜,薯仔燜雞超入味的,推薦必吃哦!
Tea Time 下午茶
Tokyo Secret or dal.komm Coffee

Tea time usually will have something sweet with tea or coffee.Now you either to choose Japan or Korea. Seem like a hard choice right? I will recommend you to choose both! Try the cheese tart and new cheese oolong tea drink at Tokyo Secret while at the dal.komm you can choose the Honey Grapefruit and the Shibuya Toast! 
下午茶時間到!這個時候應該來點甜點或小吃的。當你要選擇其中一樣你都喜歡的東西的時後,你就把兩樣都給買啦~真的!這兩家的甜點都不錯,你可以在Tokyo Secret 吃芝士塔和芝士烏龍茶也可以在dal.komm買下蜜糖柚子冰沙和他家的吐司哦!

Tokyo Secret
The tart was every day freshly baked and currently have 4 flavour which is Hanjuku Cheese Tart, Matcha X Hanjuku Cheese Tart, Hazelnut X Hanjuku Cheese Tart & Purple Potato X Hanjuku Cheese Tart. And currently, they come out with newly mini cheese cake. If you are cheese lover, you need to try this. They also come out a new cheese crema drink ! My recommended flavour was the Osmanthus Oolong Cheese Tea! Is my favourite XD 

If you are fans of Descendant of the Sun, you might know one of the scene place is at the dal.komm cafe. I always crave for their Bingsu! And now I have in love with their Honey Grapefruit Ice blended. Besides that, you can try their Shibuya Toast if you some little sweet things. 

Palsaik Korean BBQ VS Tampopo Delicieux

Oh Yeah! Is dinner time XD. Having a Korean BBQ in a cold weather is an enjoyable moment. Located at the top floor outdoor area of sky Avenue. What special is Palsaik having? They have 7 different marinated pork for you to taste. Besides that, they have 2 types of soup base which are Kimchi soup and Seafood soup. I would like to recommend to try their Hot and spicy rice cake (Tteokbokki)떡볶이 and the Korean Glass Noodles - Chap Chae 잡채. Don't forget to wrap the meats with lettuce, radishes and dip in the sauce. Lastly, the thing you have to order when you had Korean BBQ with your friends is Soju! You may mix with beer and become Somaek 소맥.

Tampopo Delicieux
It was inspired by the characters of dandelion, they believe in using the best quality ingredients, spreading and sharing the culture of Japan and its food to their customers.  If you are a fan of noodle , you have to try their curry udon or chicken ramen. The other special dish was their Tempura ! Yum~Yum~

Supper 宵夜

Inside Scoop VS Tianma Bird Nest 天馬燕窩

If you still able to have some for supper, I will recommend trying the ice-cream of Inside Scoop. There are a lot of choices for you to choose! If you wish to have a healthy supper, you can get go up to the top floor and get some bird's nest dessert! 
宵夜宵夜!可以選擇買冰淇淋到外頭吹冷風!是不是很刺激叻! 或是來點健康而高貴的宵夜!哈哈~ 當貴婦吃燕窩,可以養顏呢!那裡不同種類的燕窩燉法,推薦你他們的招牌燕窩哦!

Inside Scoop

Tianma Bird's Nest

Here is the Top 10 best food I wish to share with you guys!

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關於雲頂的文章 Other Related Post:
1. SeniKome Peng Heng

Thanks my partner of the day

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