
[Korea Travel] Check in Busan aka Postcard Cafe @ Nampodong 明信片咖啡館

by - August 21, 2017

聽說韓國的咖啡館個個都很有Feel. 所以這次去釜山就得去一家啦,事先做了功課,就看到這家咖啡館Check in Busan超吸引我的,因為這家咖啡館是可以幫你寄明信片的,而且還可以寄給未來的你或另一半。這剛巧適合我,每當我旅遊,我一定會至少寄一張明信片給自己。所以我就朋友說我要來這裡來個brunch唄!
Hey guys! When you guys travel to oversea, you wish to visit one of the cafe in that place, right? When I travel to Busan, there is a cafe caught my attention! Why I'm saying so? The special of this cafe is you can send a postcard to future! Sound interesting right?!

It was located at a strategic place where it was walking distance from the BIFF square, Jalgalchi Market, and Lotte Department. It also located near to my stay - Mr. Egg Original Hostel so we just walk to the cafe. It's was near to all the attraction i have pinned down. 

When stepping into the cafe, the environment was so cozy! I like their wooden style furniture and love their blackboard map at the corner. I hope I can have the same decoration at my home too. I saw a lot of Malaysia's magnet too. And one of it looks very funny !! Another corner in the cafe was the future post box.  And you can buy the postcard from the counter and send to your future time. Later, i will explain more briefly. 
If you have any inquiries, you may ask at the information counter. The staff mostly can speak at least 3 languages: Korean, English, and Chinese
If i'm staying in Busan, i will always come here for breakfast and sit at this lovely corner! 

I was damn fortunate to meet the owner of the cafe, Both of them can speak different languages like English, Chinese and also Korean. The husband is from Korea while the wife from Taiwan. They know each other during working holiday in New Zealand. After that, they dated and married after 7 years( if not mistaken). Kinda romantic! The latter part, they opened this cafe as they think that Busan didn't have this kind of cafe. All the postcard photo is taken by the husband, Sean. After talking with them, I feel that they are so sweet and lovely.  
超幸運的,我遇見了咖啡館的老闆,聽了他們的故事,老闆娘是台灣人,而老闆是韓國人,他們是在紐西蘭打工假期認識的,然後過後交往了大概是7年吧(沒記錯的話), 然後結婚后一起開了這家咖啡廳,噢!超浪漫的。有故事的咖啡館,是值得一去的!

Their in-house breakie was very healthy! And the time I went was the strawberry season, so the drinks menu was about Strawberry series. We ordered 3 different breakfast sets so that we can try different food. XD. The friendly Sean always treat us the Taiwan famous drinks and snack which was the pineapple tart and milk tea.

The lady boss, Jennifer had told me some stories about the postcard. She said one of the guests has sent the postcard to their future baby! Aww~it's so sweet! Another story was a couple sending a postcard to each other. But their relationship cannot beat by the time before the postcard was sent out, the girl informed the lady boss to stop sending the postcard as she had broke up with her boyfriend. Kinda sad when hearing about this story. Between I like the love story of the Jennifer and Sean. Maybe next time I can open a similar cafe with my husband! Sweet right !

For those who are interested in sending a postcard, now I gonna share you the simple step of sending a postcard to future.
1.Pick your favourite postcards at the shelf. And pay at the counter. FYI, if you have your brunch there, you may get 2 FREE postcards.

2.Write your lovely messages, the address, and the date sending as well.

3.Pass to the staff and they will help you do delivery! The postcards was expected to reach your place around 2-4weeks.
交給那裡的員工,然後他們就會幫你寄哦! 明信片預計會到目的地是大概2-4星期。

Just that easy!

For more information:
Address:14 Gwangbok-ro 97beon-gil, Donggwang-dong, Jung-gu, Busan, South Korea
Time: Mon-Sun 8.00-18.00 [Tue: 8.00-14.00, Wed Closed]
Tel:+82 51-244-3288
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/checkinbusan/

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  1. 看完我都想去韓國吃brunch了~

  2. 啊~~可惜上次去busan没去到这里~~

  3. 旅游真是一门学问,少做点功课都不行。很享受你的文章。

  4. 好特别的一个 cafe~

  5. 我也好想去旅行阿~~ 真的旅行可以不断增广见闻~

  6. 你介绍的非常仔细!

  7. 想问飞机你没买行李重量没超过吗?

    1. 我有买行李哦,和我朋友一起share. 我们只买回程的行李而已。 至于韩国内航线班机,他们都有免费15公斤的行李哦~


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