Hey, guys! this time I'm gonna share about my travel beauty. If you guys know, previously I've been loyal fans for Althea Korea since it launched. I happy and glad to know that they are coming out their own in-house brand products. Now, let me introduce their first product they have. Firstly, the name...
[Korea Travel] Check in Busan aka Postcard Cafe @ Nampodong 明信片咖啡館
- August 21, 2017
聽說韓國的咖啡館個個都很有Feel. 所以這次去釜山就得去一家啦,事先做了功課,就看到這家咖啡館Check in Busan超吸引我的,因為這家咖啡館是可以幫你寄明信片的,而且還可以寄給未來的你或另一半。這剛巧適合我,每當我旅遊,我一定會至少寄一張明信片給自己。所以我就朋友說我要來這裡來個brunch唄! Hey guys! When you guys travel to oversea, you wish to visit one of the cafe in that place, right? When I travel to Busan, there is a cafe caught my attention! Why I'm saying so? The special of this cafe is you can send a postcard to future!...
【Editor Pick小編推薦】 Top 10 best food you can eat @ Sky Avenue Genting 十大必吃美食
- August 11, 2017
上到雲頂除了玩,就是要填飽肚子!所以呢,這裡有小小建議給大家,教大家怎樣從早吃到宵夜,哈哈!雲頂Sky Avenue是不是太多食市,做不了選擇呢!讓我這個吃貨來介紹你! 时间到,那就起床吃个早餐呗! Hey, Guys! Today I gonna share you my recommendation of food outlet you can try at Sky Avenue! Let's me show you how to eat from morning breakfast until supper time! Morning 早餐 Wan Hoi Yamcha 雲海 VS Canton-i Restaurant 香港粥面家 According to Chinese tradition, The Chinese like me enjoy...