1. Drinking Soju It was a normal activity whereby the local will do when they hang out with friends. When having the dinner with friends, the soju have to drink one shot for the first glass. This is one of their cultures you will see when you visit Korea. Currently, they have a...
[小编推荐] Sri Petaling , OUG 和 Kuchai Lama 之必去的发廊
- June 28, 2017
在每一次旅遊前, 我都會到髮廊整理髮型或是染個不一樣顏色。 為什麼呢? 這樣我可以拍很多照片,不止風景美,人也美唷! 對不對呀?呵呵~ 說真的髮型會影響一個人的形象,如果你想讓你的女神或男神注意到你, 那就要把這篇文章看完哦! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 第1個要介紹的是 Orange De Art of Hair 光聽這髮廊的名, 就覺得這髮廊應該佈置得特別有自己的藝術風格。 果然見到髮廊的擺設都有英國的Style, 白色的英式鏡子,紅泥磚墻搭配了皮質椅子。是不是很有Feel 呢? 等待區也放了幾個甲板椅子,還蠻不錯的! 聽說他家的挑染的技術不錯,有機會可以試一試唷! Orange De Art of Hair 123A, Jalan Sepadu, Off Jalan Klang Lama,58200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/orange.de.art.of.hair/ 第2間我想介紹給大家就是 Jeff Lee The Hair Company 說到這家髮廊就特別要提他家的染髮和韓式護髮療程。 他家的漸層染髮都會有煥然一新的感覺, 我也被他家染髮照給吸引住了。 就算小孩的髮型他們都可以打造成明星Look. 每一個月都會推出不同的優惠哦! 在這裡要說下他家的護髮療程是特別的舒服的, 因為顧客是躺著護髮,還有加上按摩的療程,價錢也很便宜哦!是不是想趕快預約呢? 他家也在PJ Uptown 開了分行哦!住在附近的朋友們,趕快預約吧!...
[Travel OOTD] My Korean OOTD Style
- June 23, 2017
Hey Girls, I have something to share with you guys. If you have followed my Instagram post, you will see my pretty outfit is all from F block Boutique. Let's me introduce you a bit about this boutique! F block has delivered the 'Fast Fashion' which is always changing and always in style with the ability to appeal to funky...