
Design your own shirt with LightBulb Apparel

by - April 04, 2017

Hey, guys! Recent years, customised apparel is a trend in the market either for personal or company. Every people want to be the special and different with others. So do I. I have found a website –Lightbulbapparel.com to customise my blog shirt. Sounds cool right?!

Just a simple step you can DIY the shirt, hoodie or jersey yourself!  

Choose your favourite type and colour of apparel 

Edit with your own design either word or pictures in front, back and sleeve area

If you wish to add some clip art, there are quite number of choices you can choose!
After you have done, you may proceed to the checkout page! If you have missed something for the design, you may click on the Edit Design button, it will revert back to the editing page. 

I have a 15% discount code for your guys: MayLeeandLBAFriend
Where you can apply as coupon!

And TA-DAA!! Here is my blog tee!

More information:
Website: http://www.lightbulbapparel.com/online 
Email: help@lightbulbapparel.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lightbulbapparel/?fref=ts 


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