
COCO2U Nature's Miracle | All Natural Organic Virgin Coconut Oil

by - February 26, 2017
Hey guys! When you travel, you will prefer to get a smaller size of skincare so that you no need to check in the luggage and not so heavy to carry! Most of the traveller or backpacker would prefer this kind of skincare like me. I got a skincare starter kit from COCO2U...

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8D7N Japan Trip Itinerary Info

by - February 24, 2017
Hi travel lover, finally I have done my simple Japan itinerary due to heavy work!  This Japan trip is a bit different with my backpacker trip as I went Tokyo with my family. We didn't appoint any tour agent and I'm the tour guide for this trip. HAHA! This time I will not...

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by - February 24, 2017
Asakusa is a district in Taito, Tokyo. I have read an article written about Asakusa whereby previously was the largest district with gangster, geisha, beggars, artist and so on. Now has changed into an old neighbourhood. I like the building structure around the Sensoji Temple as it was like brought you back to...

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